Thursday 15 April 2010

Important aspects of the New Diplomacy

Dliplomacy in a broader sense is been charecterized by its continuity and constant evolution rather than revolution,in its development.Since procedures and settings have been modified the basic principles of diplomacy ,as we know as the foundation for negotiations among nation states still have an enduring validity.And moreover,in the 20th centuary the resillience of the diplomatic system has been afected by the changes in technology and also in the structure of the world order.
The New Diplomacy ,it is in part a modern phenomenon that has been evolving ,being namelly a relativelly a new development ,that possesses distint foundations from the traditional diplomacy .Being one of the most crucial aspects the evoulution from the bilateral diplomatic negotiation to a more multilateral dimension,where a wider range of nation-states can be involved in global negotiations.Important issues such as humanitaire assistance, Human Rights ,environmental issues and fair trade can be addressed and tackled in a wider escale.
New diplomacy it has been closely associated with Public diplomacy ,since it starts from the premise that through dialogue and negotiations nation states can achieve goals in foreign policy .And throughout media and other political ,cultural and social actors citiziens can be involved in the processs of shaping the message but also analyzing and understand the ways that the message is interpreted.
The end of the Cold war marked an important start for the development of the New diplomacy, since the global scene was also changing :from a bipolar world to the emergrnce of a few greater powers.Alongside with this phenomenon ,the world is being bombarded by the emergence of new global challenges which have been dealt by nation states but also by NGO'S and other non -state actors.And their role in in this new era is mainly product of the new diplomacy,since alongside with government they also help and relieve states in tackling international issues.
Therefore both state-actors and non state actors can conduct their affairs in a more cooperative manner and benefit from the global outcomes ,where before within the old diplomacy frramework these big global achievements would have been almost impossible to solve.

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