Friday 30 April 2010

the role of diplomacy today

In my belief the increasing role of diplomacy in word politics through the spread of political duties among political actors and non political actors is mainly one of the first impressions that in the beginning of this module I was poorly aware. Diplomacy evolved has a peaceful political instrument to solve conflicts among states, seeking to develop good state relations, where the advance interests of state are mainly achieved through the role of states representatives in the conduction of negotiations and talks. Nevertheless, diplomacy in these modern political proved to be one of the crucial ways to reach peaceful resolutions, as for instances the talks made among USA, North Korea, Russia and China regarding the nuclear program in north Korea to diminishes the level of conflict.
In addition , the role of TNC’s and NGO’s in solving conflicts and major issues of human rights and environment as also evolved where the emphasis of public diplomacy, through the mass media uses politics to influence the world community relationships among states. The increase number of transnational organizations that participate in the international arena to address major issues alongside other political actors, has had a positive impact in shaping the future outcomes of global solutions .Diplomacy is no longer a political activity that takes among only bilateral and multilateral diplomatic engagements, its flexible nature has allow states and entities to also engage through the so called, polylateral level.

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